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Member Feature: PwC Indonesia

PwC Indonesia


PwC Indonesia comprises KAP Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan, PT PricewaterhouseCoopers Indonesia Advisory, PT Prima Wahana Caraka, PT PricewaterhouseCoopers Consulting Indonesia, and PwC Legal Indonesia, each of which is a separate legal entity, and all of which together constitute the Indonesian member firm of the PwC global network, which is collectively referred to as PwC Indonesia.

The firms of the PwC global network help our clients solve complex business problems by combining a global mindset and the expert talents of our people. We provide industry-focused assurance, tax, and advisory services for public and private clients. We use our network, experience and business understanding to build trust and create value for clients.

The way we select and train our staff, the methods we use to leverage our global knowledge, our in-depth knowledge of the local economic situation, and the way we develop relationship with our clients together ensure that we achieve our goals, namely: to help our clients, do business better, more efficiently, and more profitably and to train our people and provide them with an experience and professional environment which will be the platform for outstanding careers.



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